Please be aware this site is not designed to receive urgent reports. If you are on campus (including the University Residences) and need immediate or urgent support, please call the University's Security Service on 0114 222 4444. For urgent support off campus call 999.
You have chosen to inform us with personal details.
For students:We will use this information to put you in contact with Student Safeguarding and Welfare, Residence Life (if you are living in a University Residence) or our Sexual Violence Liaison Officer (SVLO) Service, so that you can discuss your concerns, receive support and guidance and information about your reporting options
.For staff:We will use this information to put you in contact with HR, so that you can discuss your concerns and receive support and guidance and information about your reporting options.
Completing this form and meeting with a member of support staff is classed as a disclosure and does not immediately initiate a formal report via Student Discipline or the University's HR Grievance Procedures. Once you have met with a member of support staff, you can then choose to proceed with reporting the incident if you would like to.
Before you inform us about an incident we want you to know that we will take into account your wishes if you tell us that you don’t want any further action to be taken as a result of the information you have provided. However, exceptionally there may be occasions where, as part of our duty of care, we are required to investigate the incident and take any necessary action against individuals involved. This will be done only where necessary due to a significant risk or ongoing duty of care which we have to act upon. We will carefully consider why you do not want any further action to be taken, as well as the safety and wellbeing of anyone else affected.By submitting this form, you agree to the use of your personal information as detailed in the Privacy Notice